Healing Circle
Receive distant Healing for 1 MONTH and feel the
difference in your Health and Well-being. The healing Circle is a great
preventative measure for present and future health as well as removing
any old issues from your past and changing your thoughts and thinking
patterns into more positive ones instead of the negative and repetitive
ones we think each day. Payment can be made through any paypal button
I’ve been a Reiki Master for over 23 years and the healing I do each
day in my healing circle is Reiki healing / Psychic healing/surgery.
When I took on the role as a healer, I NEVER for one minute wanted to
make people feel better, I wanted to remove the root cause of the
problem eliminating the symptom. My healing works on all levels mental,
emotional, physical and spiritual by raising a persons vibrations
removing blockages and imbalances to restore health and well-being on a
cellular level giving the mind and body the right conditions to enable
it to heal itself. The healing I carry out distant and in person is not
just Reiki, its a combination of many forms and techniques including my
own which I have discovered over the years through healing and teaching
reiki. Methods which actually work and get results quick. Removing all
learned pain and programs from past for present and future and all life
Reiki is one of the oldest and most powerful and effective forms of
natural healing. Reiki is a Japanese name for the powerful natural
healing energy that surrounds everything in the world. Call it what you
will, its what makes us tick! Reiki energy revitalises and refreshes the
mind, body and soul.
The Healing Circle can help to heal every
kind of physical problem including sports injuries, broken bones, back
problems and serious illness or disease. Reiki healing is also
particularly effective in combating stress, tension, depression, PMS and
all forms of emotional trouble. Treatments can help you cope during
times of upheaval and change. Some people can enjoy Reiki simply as a
relaxing way to recharge their batteries and boost their energy levels,
or to improve their general health and well-being.
There are many beneficial effects:
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Heals holistically
Strengthens the immune system
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver.
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions
Aids meditation and positive thinking
The Healing Circle will remove all blockages from the body &
Aura's, excellent as a preventative measure if something is underlying
and you are not aware of it until you start with the symptoms, it would
be eliminated before you knew anything about it.
All negative is removed and replaced with ONLY positive. Positive thoughts, thinking patterns, emotions, feelings and actions.
Balancing the body and putting it back onto the correct vibration
that nature intended. The older we get in life, the more conditions and
limiting beliefs we place on ourselves. Things related to our past,
upbringing, things which have happened in our life, whether negative or
positive will affect the way we proceed in the future when faced with
the same issues and also perhaps impede our judgement based on past
experience which may have lead to failure in one area of our life or
another. The healing removes negative (which are low frequencies and
vibrations) and replaces with higher vibrations and only positive energy
I obtain the best and healthiest levels possible for everyone
All physical conditions and problems we have start on a non physical
level. The symptoms people suffer from are only effects of the mental
and emotional thoughts and thinking patterns we have (and sometimes do
not find it easy to let go of) We DON’T need one negative thought in our
life, yet the majority of humans do consciously or unconsciously have
these, some of the time not even being aware they are even there, we
have carried the emotional baggage for so long. Imagine you have been
shopping and are carrying bags of groceries after shopping, this is what
most of us do in everyday life and wonder why we sometimes feel so
weighed down or stuck in life.
Any disease or illness ALL started on a non physical level. What
disease we brought on ourselves, we are certainly, with a little help
from Holistic therapies, capable of removing and eliminating. Don't
forget your body helped create and manifest the disease or illness in
the first place, it's more than capable of reversing ANY illness or
disease and removing it, when given the right conditions to enable it to
heal itself naturally. When your emotional conditions improve, you are
well on the way to recovery! The psychic surgery, doesn't involve any
physical operation that is not necessary. I do all this painlessly and
quickly with the mind. No tablets or after effects involved whatsoever
or recovery time. Only feelings of improvement, love, happiness and
general well being. Why not take advantage of my Healing Circle and join
today for £35.00 and receive Healing for 1 YEAR. Improve your health
and well-being today, join the healing circle and I guarantee you will
notice and feel the difference and also notice positive changes in your
Take advantage of the special. Join the Healing Circle and receive
healing for 1 whole YEAR and receive Usui Reiki level 1 attunement to
enable you to heal yourself and others. This is a recognised Diploma
should you with to practise. Make a decision right now, today to change
your Life in so many positive ways and receive them both the SAME DAY.
Buy now and receive today and your Life will never be the same again. I
can assure you what you will receive from my services will be worth far
more to you than the price value.
These are some of the benefits you can expect to experience and feel being in the Healing Circle over 12 months
Much more positive and optimistic
Happier for no reason
Weight loss
Peace of mind
Purpose and passion - discover your calling
Much more relaxed about life
Balanced Charkas (main energy centers of the body)
The healing circle covers everything and heals on all levels,
mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing on a cellular level
The Law of Attraction is always working behind the scenes whether we use it to our advantage or not. The Healing Circle WILL increase
your power of attraction due to the fact that your vibrations will be
positive and much higher which translates towards attracting what you
desire, rather than what is lacking and negatives vibrations and
programs running from the past.
If you are ready and willing to allow the changes to take place
the healing circle will change your life in so many positive ways and
encourage many positive changes which may be long over due
The Well-Being package will speed up the whole process considerably and change your Life around
Don’t you think its time you invested in your own health and well-being TODAY ?